Friday, February 9, 2018

BA Week 4



The truth, it will set you free, unless you don't want to be, to be a prisoner in thoughts and emotions, ideologies and unquestioned repetition. Its as simple as the eye can see, tell the truth and you feel complete, infinite, elite. Why lie, to them, to you? Is it easier to turn an eye to the truth, to not confront unweary spoofs of how you are told to live, told to be? "But its my culture." But that doesn't mean thats how you have to be. The truth, you will live happier and with less mental resistance without questioning without researching without learning for your own, consume, be the person on the TV, not yourself because questioning would mean they're wrong. "How could that be if they're in the position of inspiration to the masses but i'm just me?" Can't you see, that me. That's the true you you've wanted to be. No price is to much to own yourself. Be your truth.


1. Fredrick Neichze - Beyond Good and Evil

2. Atmosphere - They're all gonna laugh at you

3. My Mom

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