Saturday, March 31, 2018

Installation: Long Term Indoor

"It's us"

Inspiration was taken from the ever growing machine that is consumerism and society. A lack of acknowledgment of the machine that encapsulates majority of thought and action of daily routines that we as society partake in daily. We are the machine.

Medium: foam boards, copper tubing, PVC, paint, mirrors, ceiling tiles, balsa wood, acrylic panel, string

 Using white clean edges on the outside of the building, my goal was to portray a clean and favorable place that could draw the attention of the viewer or passerby, with curiosity to look within through the broken windows. The broken windows represent the information and knowledge that is available which sheds light on or allows for further research and acknowledgment of the machine  prevalent in society. To view inside, the action of crouching or taking a knee is necessary. All the windows are blurred using a clear adhesive to only allow the viewer to peer through the broken windows. When the viewer looks into the building, a revolving machine with hanging mirrors reflects the eye of the viewer back to themselves in an attempt of portraying them as the machine, the forever moving machine that we all are part of. The inside is dark, and lends a little bit of light through a filtered lamp and the excess light that floods in through the windows. PVC pipe was placed onto the machine, connecting to the wall and further on extruding then returning back into the wall to connect the overall piece with it's surrounding and further grounding the building with connectivity and movement. While the use of the ceiling tiles in a grid like pattern and lacking on the ceiling is repetitive and seen throughout and around buildings and industrial environments. 

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