Monday, December 11, 2017

Ceramics: Independent Project

Hey Guy

Dimensions: 17" x 7.7"

Inspired by Salvador Dali, this piece is an enigma, with extruding limbs and a tall posture that plays with the idea of other worldly creature like. Blues of varying tones and saturations are placed on the body of the structure while the limbs are given a vibrant yellow. 

Eye of Eyes

Dimensions: 14" x 5"

Also inspired by Salvador Dali, numerical symbolism in certain repetitive shapes allows for a cohesive feeling and a sci-fy being with a single eye. The intentional structure of curving legs entertains the sic-fy concept of other worldly.

5 Mouths

 Dimensions: 13" x 9"

Inspired by Salvador Dali, this piece gives the presence of being unified by organic shape and color while also having a hidden sense of structure and power. A single head spike gives the piece a sense of power and meaning.

Longing taste

Dimensions: Between 1.5" - 7"

Use of tongues to portray lust and desire. Green represent envy while the red tongue holds a certain power in color and the direction in which they stem. A single eye represent the exact knowing of right and wrong through consciousness and forever sees what the tongues reach for.


Mark Doolittle

Salvador Dali

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