Monday, December 11, 2017

Ceramics: Touch Pieces

Mustard Holes

Dimensions: 5" x 3"
Materials: Clay, Glaze

Smooth organic openings allow for interactions of the fingers to extend into the piece and become more connected. Accompanied by a smooth gloss glaze finish.

Burnt Potato

 Dimensions: 3.5" x 2.4"
Materials: Clay, Glaze

Rough edges on the small hole openings of a smooth orb object allows for differences in touch sensory. A sense of lightness comes from holding the object as it was made from a very thin slab.

Prickly Pickle

Dimensions: 3.7" x 3.3"
Materials: Clay, Glaze

Spiked points connected to a smooth dimensional oval sits strangely within the hand and allows for a better understanding of how to hold the piece. The points push the hand from enclosing it, making the person interacting with it use the tips of their fingers to securely hold it.

Suave Sphere

Dimensions: 4" x 4"
Materials: Clay, Glaze

Thin unglazed slab strips folded to fit the exterior of a sphere gives a fragile yet sharp feeling while the glazed sphere translates weight and smoothness. Thicker than the unglazed clay strips, the sphere carries a sense of presence in its weight.

Dented Bowl

Dimensions: 3" x 2.7"
Materials: Clay, Glaze

Indentations throughout the bowl allows for a changing surface that is smooth to the touch and matte smooth on the inside.

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